Mother Mary Shrine

posted in: Tin | 0

I came across this beautiful tin candle holder wall sconce and I knew instantly it needed to be a shrine for our Mother Mary.  After selecting a picture I saw in a calendar, I decoupaged it onto the tin shrine.

Next, it was time to cut out the tin flowers from a sheet of tin using tin snips. After making flowers roughly the same size but different styles, I punched holes in the center of each flower with an awl and a hammer.  Before applying the flowers to the tin I decided it needed a little bling, so I used glitter glue on areas of Mother Mary that I wanted to draw attention to.

Using a thin gauge wire, I pushed it through a crystal bead and then through a hole which I made through the tin shrine using the awl. I used different size and color beads and applied the flowers with beaded centers all around the outside securing each flower with a twist and knot on the backside of the shrine. I placed her on the wall to see how she looked and made sure the flowers had movement but were secure.

I thought the bottom where the candle sits looked a little plain, so I decided she needed Milagros (miracles) for their meaning, their beauty and their sparkly movement. I punched holes and tied Milagros onto the bottom of the shrine with the wire making bows and letting the Milagros dangle. The final picture shows my Mother Mary Shrine on my wall. She is simply beautiful.