Mother Mary Shrine

posted in: Tin | 0

I came across this beautiful tin candle holder wall sconce and I knew instantly it needed to be a shrine for our Mother Mary.  After selecting a picture I saw in a calendar, I decoupaged it onto the tin shrine. … Continued

Mannequin with Tin Tattoos

posted in: Tin | 0

What to do with this very cool mannequin shaped wood? It occurred to me that it needed a little something. I am such a fan of the Mexican Folk Art of painted wooden hearts covered with milagros nailed down. Milagro … Continued

A Recycled Heart

posted in: Refurbish ~ Renew, Tin | 0

It is Valentine’s Day tomorrow and I thought I would post ‘A Recycled Heart’ to my blog. I was married on Valentine’s Day on the beautiful island of Kauai. My husband thought he would never forget our Anniversary if he … Continued